For many aspects of beekeeping it is rewarding to have access to two types of microscope :-
A low power dissecting stereo microscope.(e.g. Brunel HX4T shown here)
A high power binocular compound microscope. (e.g. Brunel 670 shown here)
A low power instrument is useful for looking at anatomical structures in detail
A high power instrument is useful for looking at pollen grains and disease organisms
Head and front pair of legs of worker
Mouthparts of worker
Hazel pollen - good as a marker (25 microns)
Forget-me-not pollen - smallest pollen at 5 microns
Terminal pair of wax mirrors of worker bee
Sting of worker bee
Dandelion pollen
Sunflower pollen
Hamuli - holding wings together
Antennae of worker bee
Oil seed rape pollen
Heather/Ling pollen. Characteristic tetrad
Compound eye
Amoeba cysts in lumen of malpighian tubule
Hawthorn pollen
Acarine mites and eggs in trachea of worker bee

Below is a series of increasing magnification of a longitudinal histological section of a worker bee
note the blocks of flight muscle in the thorax of the second image and the ommatidia in the final image

Low power image of section through a worker bee
Section through head and thorax of worker bee
High resolution image of compound eye and optic nerve
High resolution image (x1200) of eye facets and ommatidia

Microscopic testing for Nosema spores

Nosema is an enteric pathogen that infects the gut of adult bees and prevents the digestion of pollen.  This video shows the mechanics of preparing a gut sample for examining for the nosema spores.  The recommended number of bees to sample is 30 and it is not necessary to use a specialised haemocytometer counting chamber as suggested in the video – a microscope slide and coverslip is quite adequate.  

The image to the right shows a heavily infected colony and should be treated otherwise it will die out.